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All posts tagged "prospect"

  • HISTADIN tablete prospect HISTADIN tablete prospect


    HISTADIN tablete prospect

    By 2016-01-13T16:43:59+02:00

    HISTADIN tablete prospect Indicatii: Histadin este folosit in tratamentul simptomelor multor afectiuni alergice: rinite alergice; febra...



    NEBICARD prospect

    By 2015-12-22T13:18:40+02:00

    Nebicard 5 mg comprimate Nebivolol Citiţi cu atenţie şi în întregime acest prospect înainte de a...

  • Inedit

    Prospect AMICEL-crema

    By 2014-04-13T19:44:26+03:00

    Prospect medicament AMICEL-AMICEL Substanta activa: econazolum crema Prospect medicament AMICEL Prezentare farmaceutica Crema 1%, tub de 30...

  • prospect medicament ALTIAZEM RR prospect medicament ALTIAZEM RR


    Prospect ALTIAZEM RR-capsule

    By 2014-04-13T19:28:47+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALTIAZEM RR-ALTIAZEM RR Substanta activa: diltiazemum resinatum capsule Prospect medicament ALTIAZEM RR Compozitie Fiecare capsula...

  • Inedit

    Prospect ALOPURINOL-Comprimate

    By 2014-04-13T19:25:18+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALOPURINOL ALOPURINOL Prospect medicament ALOPURINOL Substanta activa: allopurinolum comprimate Prospect medicament ALOPURINOL Prezentare farmaceutica Comprimate continand...

  • Prospect medicament Almagel A Prospect medicament Almagel A


    Prospect Almagel A- Solutie

    By 2014-04-13T18:22:54+03:00

    Prospect medicament Almagel A-Almagel A Solutie Ambalare Flacon 200 ml. Prospect medicament Almagel A Compozitie Almagel A:...

  • Prospect medicament ALLERGODIL Prospect medicament ALLERGODIL


    Prospect ALLERGODIL, Spray Nazal

    By 2014-04-13T18:18:42+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALLERGODIL-ALLERGODIL Spray Nazal Substanta activa: azelastinum spray Prospect medicament ALLERGODIL Actiune terapeutica Spray nazal cu...

  • rospect medicament ALKERAN rospect medicament ALKERAN


    Prospect ALKERAN, Tablete

    By 2014-04-13T18:12:23+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALKERAN-ALKERAN Tablete Substanta activa: melphalanum tablete Prospect medicament ALKERAN Forma de prezentare Tablete: tablete albe,...

  • Inedit

    Prospect ALILESTRENOL-comprimate

    By 2014-04-13T18:08:33+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALILESTRENOL-ALILESTRENOL Substanta activa: allylestrenolum comprimate Prospect medicament ALILESTRENOL Prezentare farmaceutica Comprimate continand alilestrenol 5 mg...

  • Prospect medicament ALGOCALMIN Prospect medicament ALGOCALMIN


    Prospect ALGOCALMIN-Comprimate, Fiole

    By 2014-04-13T17:18:51+03:00

    Prospect medicament ALGOCALMIN-ALGOCALMIN- Comprimate, Fiole Substanta activa: metamizolum fiole Prospect medicament ALGOCALMIN-Compozitie Comprimate continand 0,500 g...

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